Friday, December 12, 2008

A Simple Poster

Here is the poster for the very first Projek Semai!

Due to budget constraint (hey printing is expensive), I have to come up with something that can really work, I am not sure though but what I wanted for the poster is it has to showcase some illustrations from the kids. I tried scanning them and selected a few, but it didn't work that well because I can't find any suitable 'characters'...another reason was that I have limited drawings from the kids, I don't collect all of them.

So I thought why not just make those drawings as posters? Or if I can have a poster that can change its visual weekly or something? Sounds sustainable (as within the duration of this project).

So I have these:

a surrealistic Joan Miró type of drawing,
by Yap Yi Tung entitled 'Moon Cake Festival' (2008).

slips it in like this.


background is a phoenix-like bird drawing by Wong Qi Xuan.

Yup, what do you think?

1 comment:

ah chikying said...

like it.
lighter tone perhaps.
with venue and projeksemai's blog address too.